Shea Butter

Handpicked from Nature

The fruit of the shea tree is rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins. Traditionally the nuts of the shea tree are collected between mid June and mid September. After the outer pulp of the fruit is removed, the nut is dried, crushed, roasted and ground manually or using mills until a thick paste is obtained. Water is gradually added to the paste and everything is boiled up and then filtered to eliminate impurities. The butter thus obtained is off-white or ivory coloured and has a pleasant and slightly sweet smell. It helps nourish and moisturise the skin.

Excellent for your skin

Like natural fats, shea butter helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and improves skin elasticity. It also fights the damage caused by free radicals. It is also rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins and fatty acids that moisturise the skin and leave it supple. That is the reason why we use this ingredient in many of our cosmetic products.

Where on Earth does it come from?

The shea tree (Butyrosperum parkii), from which shea butter is obtained, is mainly found South of the Sahara Desert in Western Africa. Since 1300 shea tree growing has been a key source of income in African countries. Today shea butter is termed “women’s gold” since it provides a job for the women living in remote towns. In these villages, it is common practice that women are in charge of collecting shea nuts to their final processing into shea butter while men are in charge of supervising trade and deliveries.

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